The Au Pair by Emma Rous @BerkleyPub @EJRous #5STARS #bookbestiesaupair #favoritethrillers

37561550 My Review:

Mystique, atmosphere, and chilling twists!

This novel was so captivating that I did not want to put it down! There is a compelling aura of mystery that hovers around the birth of the twins- Seraphine and Danny.

The twins were born at home at the family’s beautiful, sprawling Norfolk estate. A photograph is taken of the parents, their older son Edwin, and their mother, Ruth. Although, she is only holding only one of  her newborn twins.  Where is the second twin? Which one is in the photograph? The novel will reveal the unpredictable answers.

The setting with the estate’s beautiful gardens, the near-by beach and the menacing cliffs was atmospheric. The gardener who tells spooky tales. and a young nanny hired by the family, make this story enchanting and seductive with some gothic vibes.

The secrets come out in the second half of the story and you may be able to catch some hints to what is going on along the way.  I was flipping pages as fast as I could while more twists continued until they turned into a full blown tornado!  I thought I was ahead of the game, but OH NO, take my word for it, I was stunned,

An elegantly written suspense novel and I loved it.

A favorite of 2019 for me! Out on Jan 8,2019

Book Description:

A grand estate, terrible secrets, and a young woman who bears witness to it all. If V. C. Andrews and Kate Morton had a literary love child, Emma Rous’ The Au Pair would be it.

Seraphine Mayes and her twin brother Danny were born in the middle of summer at their family’s estate on the Norfolk coast. Within hours of their birth, their mother threw herself from the cliffs, the au pair fled, and the village thrilled with whispers of dark cloaks, changelings, and the aloof couple who drew a young nanny into their inner circle.

Now an adult, Seraphine mourns the recent death of her father. While going through his belongings, she uncovers a family photograph that raises dangerous questions. It was taken on the day the twins were born, and in the photo, their mother, surrounded by her husband and her young son, is beautifully dressed, smiling serenely, and holding just one baby.

Who is the child and what really happened that day?

One person knows the truth, if only Seraphine can find her.

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Check out the wonderful bestie reads for this one!!






  1. You were stunned… Wow.. All you besties choose the best books which color me green with envy
    Your review was fabulous
    Following you again to get notifications 💕
    Happy 2019 💞 💕 Holly

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Two five star reads coming out on the same day. Awesome review Holly. I love how you described the twists as a tornado. I am looking forward to this one as well. Not enough hours to read them all.

    Liked by 1 person

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