Time To Read

What I am planning on reading this week…


I’ve had an interesting week of reading with one book a DNF, one too slow, one that had some issues and one that I adored! I am currently reading The Breakdown by B.A. Paris and I have been carrying it with me everywhere I go!  I actually wasn’t a big fan of Behind Closed Doors, I think I gave it a 3, but this one has me hooked!  I also started The Silent Companions by Laura Purcell (NG reading group book!)  It should be a good one (gothic type of ghost story).  The other books I have this week are The Surrogate by  Louise Jensen (NG), Clara by Kurt Palka (library- recommendation from a goodreads friend), and The Wife Between Us    (NG).


What I finished this week…



What I bought/downloaded…

I purchased the first two books in the Kelley Armstrong series and was approved for the third installment (NG)  I need to catch up!  I purchased Tempting Fate after reading some great reviews!  Downloaded/approved for The Innocent Wife, The Judge’s Wife, and The Darkling Bride.  Seems like a bunch of “wife/bride” books (wife is the new “girl” in the title lol)!  Anyway, I’m excited to get to all of them.

Anyone else reading a “wife” book?




    • Oh, Zoe….It was The Good Daughter (I know), but it had too much graphic violence which didn’t work for me.


    • I know….it was The Good Daughter (which almost everyone of my friends loved!), but it didn’t work for me. I gave up on it and my review of it!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I also received a copy of The Innocent Wife from NetGalley. I am currently reading The Girl From the Sugar Plantation which also has a wife-vibe going on lol.

    Enjoy your books this week and sorry about the DNF.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Seems like last year everything was “the girl” now they switched to “the wife” LOL. Enjoy Diana, I’ll check out your review!


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